Many of you have noticed the lack of information about the practices of Sami spirituality.
One of the reasons for that is of course the colonization process where everything Sami was illegal, and those in power wanted us to be Sami – shortly explained. Sometimes people had to hide their practices from the public to survive.
Another important reason for this is that the practices of the Sami spirituality are a very private thing.
What was done to connect with the spirits was no one else’s business but your own. Therefore still today, visiting a siedi and giving offerings alone is common. The conversation with the gods is between you and them.
When we read the stories about how the Sami shamans were practicing 100 years ago and before that, those were the practices of those specific shamans, and doesn’t mean that everyone did it the same way as him/her.
The paintings on the drums, for example, were very personal. The symbols and paintings indicate how, and for what that specific individual used the drum. Everyone had their own way. Therefore the symbols of the sun for example, aesthetically would look different depending on who drew them. And the same thing applies to yoik and offering-practises.
But when it comes to connecting with the different entities. How do you do that?
What do you need to do to feel connected to them?
As you may understand, this is very individual, but let me give you a few ideas on how Sami spirituality can be practiced and observed:
- Drum journeys. You can do a drum journey with the intention of connecting to nature and the spirits or gods.
- Offerings. When it comes to offerings, I think about it this way: You are meeting with other souls. You want to connect with them. How would you connect to human souls for example? You would be friendly, and probably give them something nice to eat and drink. Give them gifts and keep in touch often. If you do that, they will stay your friends and allies. Just like humans. Go to a siedi or any holy place, and give an offering to the entity you wish to connect with. Everybody loves heartfelt entertainment as well, so why not offer for example a yoik to them?
- Ask. Simply ask to connect with whoever you would like to connect with. Be specific. They might answer in your thoughts, feelings, a dream, or however, you are most responsive.
- Use art. Use art to enter a meditative state where you can be more open to letting things just unfold the way you want. Do it with the intention to connect.
- Spend time in nature. This is the obvious one. Look for signs and guidance while walking.
- Meditation. You could for example try a fire meditation. It is easy and effective. Gaze into the fire and look for any types of signs from it. Can you see any silhouettes or symbols in it?
To connect with nature beings and “gods” it’s important to be open and sensitive and have a calm mind. To engage with this practice is impossible if you are stressed. It is therefore beneficial to be grounded and calm when engaging with these practices. Good luck!
Do you have any more suggestions, let us know in the comments!
Also read:
I live in Canada and my wife is treaty Indigenous. They have many of the same feelings as the Sami people. Being forced into residential schools etc. One example is the Pow Wow which was illegal until the 1990s. So I understand some of the struggles the Sami people face. The loss of traditions and even language is the hardest part for her.
My grandmother came from northern Sweden and was very close about her traditions. So I am not sure if I have any link to the Sami people. Yet the ideas you make seems sound right to me.
I wish you all the best and hope all the indigenous peoples of the world recover from the oppression of the past.
Thank you so much <3
Nice practical advice.Thanks. I might add – encourage a big open mind and cultivate a deep sense of wonder… 🙂
Do you offer guidance on this? Or Shamanic healing?
😀 Thank you Jeremy. Well, it happens that we sometimes offer healing and guidance, you could say… But its not something we focus on at the moment. Maybe more so in the future. 😀