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The Sáráhkká Pathfinder guidance cards are made by noaidi Astrid Ingebjørg Swart from Deatnu/Tana. She has classes in Sami shamanism regularly in Norwegian and Sami language.

And she also organizes the festival Sáráhkkás urfolksfestival (native peoples festival) in Eidsfoss, Norway. Here you can check out her webpage.

We just got in a bunch of these cards in English version.

Sami gods, goddesses can help you to see and learn the great connection in yourself and the worldview from a spiritual perspective, and from the highest principle. Other cards in the deck represent opportunities and any adjustments you may need along the way. The cards are precise, powerful and healing.

The easiest way to describe them is to call them the Sami version of Tarot cards. Traditionally we didn’t have cards, but we had the symbols on the drum.

But if the Samis had cards, these would be it! Every card has its own symbol from the Sami culture, and its meaning. While reading the cards, you will get a deeper understanding of the worldview of the Sami people.

If you want to get your own deck, you can order directly from us. We ship within a few days.

Get the card deck

The cards are divided into 5 themes:

1.Sami gods and goddesses

2.Sami culture



5.Heaven and earth

How to use Sarahkka’s Pathfinder cards:

You can give yourself or others clear, precise and indicative answers by laying down cards or simply drawing a card. Looking at the pictures and reading the text in itself has a strengthening effect and initiates a movement, liberation and perhaps a healing. The cards help you heal the past, and provide insight and guidance as to how the future may unfold.

Draw a card:

Shuffle the cards. Think of a question you want an answer to. Draw a card from the deck intuitively. If a card falls out while shuffling, it has an important message for you. Read the message in the guidance booklet.

Three-card lay:

Message from Guovssahas – Northern Lights

Shuffle the cards. Think of a question you want an answer to. Draw three cards from the deck intuitively and place them on the table one after the other.


Card No. 1 is Here and now situation

Card No. 2 is Where does the road go next

Card no. 3 is the Outcome

Seven-card lay:

Message from Sáráhkká – Goddess of Creation

Future lay

Shuffle the cards. Think of a question you want an answer to. Draw seven cards from the deck intuitively and place them on the table one after the other in the shape of a crown. Read the message in the guidance booklet.


Card No. 1 The past

Card No. 2 The present

Card No. 3 Obstacles

Card No. 4 Possibilities you have in front of you, which you don’t see quite clearly yet

Card no. 5 Your thoughts and feelings about the situation

Card no. 6 The way forward

Card No. 7 The result

Eight-card lay:

Message from Almmi Noaidi – The Sky Shaman

Healing Your Inner Self – Nature Body – Nature Mind – Spiritual Self –

This layer will help you get closer to the instruments of the soul – vision quests or healing relationships. Shuffle the cards. Think of a question. Draw eight cards from the deck intuitively and place them on the table vertically one after the other in the shape of a shaman’s staff. Read the message in the guidance booklet.


Card No. 1 Foundation – Physical body – Healing

Card No. 2 Your feelings

Card No. 3 Self-awareness – Individual – Courage and power

Card No. 4 The Soul – Vision Quest

Card no. 5 Internal and external communication

Card No. 6 Internal and external views

Card No. 7 Spiritual guidance – Guide from the upper world

Card no. 8 The lesson – What should you learn from the situation

Get the card deck

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