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Twenty years as a Sami artist – it’s almost surreal to think about! As I reflect on this, I’m amazed by all the things I have experienced as an Sami artist…

The path of my band Elin & The Woods has been full of unexpected turns. After our 2022 performance with “Dát vuovdi” (These woods) at Sami Grand Prix (SGP), I thought our SGP chapter was closed. But music has its own plans! When we created our second single with Jörgen Stenberg, we knew this song deserved more than a regular release. So here we are, returning to the SGP stage with the song “Máilbmi jorrá”, which means “The worlds spins” on April 12th.


Also this year the contest is broadcasted live on SVT, NRK and YLE tv stations. On the Swedish side, you can watch the Sámi Grand Prix both on SVT Sápmi’s site, on SVT Play and on SVT2 on Saturday 12 April at 21:15.


For those unfamiliar with SGP, it’s a unique celebration of Sami music culture, featuring two distinct competitions: one for traditional yoiks and another for contemporary songs. It has always been a part of the easter celebration in Guovdageaidnu – marking a historic moment as it’s the first time the contest isn’t held on Easter Saturday. This year it will be the 35th year of SGP.


My first SGP experience in 2008 was born of necessity – I needed exactly 30,000 NOK to complete the mixing of my debut album. As fate would have it, that was precisely the prize money, and winning with “Aibbas jaska/All still” made my album “Jikŋon musihkka – Frozen Music” possible. At that time, I did not like the idea of competing with music, because it’s so subejctive. It’s impossible to make it a fair competiton, – since all songs are unique and winners in their ow way…. But still, here we are today….

The second time around, the year after, I entered with “Du Lusa/To where you are,” which became the second single from my debutalbum. Despite my hopes for another win, the jury decided it was time for rock music to take the spotlight, and I claimed second place.

Fast forward to 2022, and Elin & The Woods made made it to the SGP stage with “Dát vuovdi”, and we ended on third place.

By then, we had already tested our wings in the Norwegian Eurovision “Melodi Grand Prix” – reaching third place in the 2017 finals with “First Step in Faith” and securing second place in one of the 2020 semifinals with the song written by Ylva and Linda Persson “We are as one”.

Backstage at our preparation week at SGP 2022 we met Jörgen Stenberg, and something clicked. Both Robin and I loved his sound, and we knew we wanted his unique voice on our upcoming album, so we took a chance and asked him to collaborate on a few songs. When he said yes, we couldn’t have imagined how beautifully this partnership would evolve. And also – he ended up winning the traditional yoik category in 2022 with his yoik “Skilgget”.

Our first single with Jörgen , “Albmeravda” (Horizon, 2024), exceeded all expectations, becoming one of our most streamed songs to date. The success of this collaboration inspired us to create more music together, leading to our second single – the very song we’ll perform at SGP 2025 “Máilbmi jorrá” – the world spins.

This time, we knew this track deserved more than a regular release; it needed the grand stage that only SGP can provide.


The song is about the joy of life and movement.

It honors our indigenous knowledge by putting it in a new perspective.
Our indigenous roots keeps us strong when the world changes and turns in any direction.
Sámi wisdom is a precious knowledge that withstands changes. It is a gift from our people to the whole world.

For Jörgen this song also represents movement. The movement that his reindeers make, running in the circle also represents the enternal internal movement. We are always changing and moving in our minds and hearts, as the world and the reindeer spin.


What draws me back to these competitions? It’s the artistic focus they demand. Every element – from lighting to costumes, from movement to message – must align perfectly to create three minutes of magic. As an artist, there’s something liberating about performing on a stage where everything technical is handled by the country’s finest professionals. It allows me to pour all my energy into the performance itself.

Now, as we prepare for SGP 2025, I’m reminded that every performance is both a continuation of our story and the beginning of something new. The stage awaits, and with it, another chance to share our unique blend of electroyoik with the world.


Want to be part of this year’s Sami Grand Prix journey? Here’s everything you need to know:

Listen & Vote

  • All competing songs are available on Spotify
  • Watch and learn more about all participants on SVT’s official page and this SVT page.
  • Voting will be open during the live show on April 12th at 21:10 hours – Norwegain time.

I am not sure yet how you can vote, but in Sweden you might be able to vote via the Melodiefestivalen app, and via phone in Norway and Finland, but I don’t think it is decided yet, but I will let you know!

I am so hoping for a win this year, so every vote we get is crucial! Please vote if you can! The competition is so hard. I mean, we are amongst some of the most talented artists of Sapmi!

The Sami Grand Prix is part of the larger Sami Easter Festival, a celebration of Sami culture, music, and traditions. For the complete festival program and more information about this incredible cultural event, visit the Sami Easter Festival website .

Follow our journey to SGP:

  • Instagram: @elinandthewoods
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elinandthewoods
  • Tiktok: elinandthewoods
  • Webpage: elinandthewoods
  • Spotify: Listen to our previous releases, including “Albmeravda” with Jörgen Stenberg

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