Written by guestblogger Stéphane Aubinet, a researcher from Belgium. The yoik first came to me long before I started to do “research” about it, when I was a teenager living.
Keep Reading →Written by guestblogger Stéphane Aubinet, a researcher from Belgium. The yoik first came to me long before I started to do “research” about it, when I was a teenager living.
Keep Reading →The later years I have met more and more people who are interested in joiking. Both Sami people and daža (non-samis) want to learn and know more about what joiking.
Keep Reading →Photo by Johan Mathis Gaup The later years – I would say the last 6-7 years there have popped up tons of Sami music artists. When I started recording music.
Keep Reading →JOIK or YOIK : Originally, joik referred to only one of several Sami singing styles, but in English the word is often used to refer to all types of traditional Sami vocals..
Keep Reading →The most outstanding symbol of the Sami shaman may very well be his drum. Written by guest blogger Ove Kåven. The most outstanding symbol of the Sami shaman may very.
Keep Reading →The lyrics to the Sami Anthem is the poem Sámi soga lávlla written by Isak Saba. He was a Norwegian school teacher and a researcher of Sami folklore and politics from Unjárga, Norway. The poem.
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