Sieidi – a holy rock
Sieidi is a holy rock or an other type of peculiar formation in nature that is found throughout Sápmi. Holy formations all over the world have in common that they.
Keep Reading →Sieidi is a holy rock or an other type of peculiar formation in nature that is found throughout Sápmi. Holy formations all over the world have in common that they.
Keep Reading →Written by guestblogger Ove Kåven, Elin´s brother. On my mobile phone, I have a video of the first time a spirit managed to give me some sort of message. It was.
Keep Reading →Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Jesus is set to the 25th. But there are theories claiming he was born in the summer, therefore also conclusions have been.
Keep Reading →Last night the two of us celebrated the new year. We lit a fire, did some drumming, joiking and put intentions for the new year to come. The solstice is.
Keep Reading →Sáivu can refer to many things. One of them is Sáivu as a another realm. The Sáivu-world is full of abundance and is much bigger and better than this world/dimension. .
Keep Reading →The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis are full of mystery, legends and magic. We live under the Northern Lights, and during longer stays away from the Arctic we have missed.
Keep Reading →Bieggaolmmái is the Sami wind-God. I believe in Bieggaolmmái, and can go further then that; I am convinced of his existense through my own experience. A direct translation of Bieggaolmmái.
Keep Reading →The Sami people´s original form of spiritual practice is shamanism – like the rest of humanity. All indigenous peoples as far as we know have shamanic practices. The Sami people.
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