Jungle is one of the intructors at a retreat this summer with his collegue and friend Diinu. You can find this invitation on Facebook here. Shamanic Nature Retreat 2025 Welcome.
Keep Reading →Jungle is one of the intructors at a retreat this summer with his collegue and friend Diinu. You can find this invitation on Facebook here. Shamanic Nature Retreat 2025 Welcome.
Keep Reading →by Elin Kåven The last few years I have been doing something I have been calling yoik-meditaion. I have a hard time describing it… But a good description could be.
Keep Reading →by Jungle Svonni There are many ways to enter a trance state. In this one we focus on drumming, the historically most common way to enter trance here in Sápmi. The.
Keep Reading →You are welcome to join our newest webinar “The tools of the Noaidi” the 12th of January 2025. 19 PM CET (Oslo-time). The Sámi people are deeply connected to practicality.
Keep Reading →This article is written by Aage Solbakk and translated to english. The Sami Christmas customs can be traced back to the old Sami pre-Christian religion – noaidevuohta. Some of the.
Keep Reading →In the illustrations of Bieggaolmmái he has two shovels, or a showel and a club, that he shuffels the wind in and out with. Bieggaommái was important because he could.
Keep Reading →The Sáráhkká Pathfinder guidance cards are made by noaidi Astrid Ingebjørg Swart from Deatnu/Tana. She has classes in Sami shamanism regularly in Norwegian and Sami language. And she also organizes.
Keep Reading →by Elin Kåven Often we get questions about what Sami book recommendations we can share for learning about the Sami culture. While there are tons of books about Sami people.
Keep Reading →Written by guest blogger, postdoctoral researcher Francis Joy. Visit his webpage for his shamanic treatments. Read it in the PDF viewer. Enjoy! More from Francis Joy: Also read:
Keep Reading →Many of you have noticed the lack of information about the practices of Sami spirituality. One of the reasons for that is of course the colonization process where everything Sami.
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