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The Sami people’s day is coming up, and Elin made this video so that anyone who want to learn the Sami National yoik can do it.

If there is any yoik that everyone that has a bit of interest in the Sami people should be able to learn, then its this!

This video is an instructional video of how to yoik “Samieatnan duoddariid”.

Many people ask if non-Sami people can yoik. And our answer is that they can- as long as they do it with respect of the Sami people. The concept of yoik is not unique, but the the way it sounds is. So anyone can learn the concept of yoiking, and apply it to their own expression. But then we don’t call it yoik anymore – since the yoik is connected to the Sami people. In those cases we can call it something else, but it still the same concept.

Many Sami people don’t agreee at all that non- Sami people yoik. This is something you should be aware of if you are not Sami and want to learn. Respect that, and take into consideration how you use the yoik.

Read more about it here:

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