Jungles homeplace is still more or less like it was when he grew up. No roads, no electricity, no people (even fewer then eariler), and no shops. So to be.
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Jungles homeplace is still more or less like it was when he grew up. No roads, no electricity, no people (even fewer then eariler), and no shops. So to be.
Keep Reading →Photo: Fredrik Prost and I back in 2011 with the drum I built. I did not learn to joik in my childhood and I never thought that I would be joiking ever..
Keep Reading →In house of the Ulda – (the underground peope/ the hidden people/one of the sáivu-people) Read about the realm of Saivu here. The underground people are richer than people living.
Keep Reading →Birch is one of the most common trees in Scandinavia and has so many uses it is impossible to list them all… But lets give you an idea: burning wood,.
Keep Reading →There are quite a few videos about the Sami people on YouTube. Here are some of the ones we think are are great footage.
Keep Reading →Written by guestblogger Stéphane Aubinet, a researcher from Belgium. The yoik first came to me long before I started to do “research” about it, when I was a teenager living.
Keep Reading →Here is a list of Sámi gods, goddesses and other mythical entities. So much has been forgotten about the Sami world view and beliefs and words over the years and.
Keep Reading →This blog is in English so that as many people as possible understand what we write about. As Samis living in Norway with alot of foreign speaking friends and quiantances.
Keep Reading →Gárdin-Ingá to the right, and her friend at Gárdin Mountainhouse in Karasjok. Most of the Sami people use two names nowadays, – the Sami and the registered name. But the.
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