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You are welcome to join our newest webinar “The tools of the Noaidi” the 12th of January 2025. 19 PM CET (Oslo-time).

The Sámi people are deeply connected to practicality and simplicity, which is reflected in our way of life and traditions. When it comes to rituals, we have few rigid rules or specific ceremonial attires, for example. Our tools and belongings are often multipurpose, chosen not only for their obvious functions but for the versatility they bring to daily life.

In this one hour seminar, we’ll explore some of the tools traditionally used by the Noaidi. While this isn’t an exhaustive list, we’ll focus on the most commonly used tools, offering insights into their significance and how they support the Noaidi in their practice.

We will talk about these topics:

  • Trance – Drum – Brass ring – The Sami “gods”-Symbols – Sieidi / offerings – Sáivu- Knife- Plants – Walking stick – Yoik – Others

This seminar will be 1 hour long, and have 30 minutes for answering questions, so in total 90 minutes.

Elin Kåven will be leading this webinar, but Jungle Svonni will also be present, and you can ask both us any questions connected to the topic.

Hope to see you there!

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