A “holy mountain” typically refers to a mountain that holds significant religious or spiritual importance to a particular culture or religious tradition. These mountains are often revered and considered sacred by the people who practice the associated culture.
In Sápmi we have many of them. But what makes them holy?
**Energetic grid all around the world**
It has been known to humanity since ancient times that the earth is covered with an energy grid, so that certain points are higher in energy, and the veil between the physical world and the non-physical world is thinner. Sacred sights all over the world have been built on such points. For example the Egyptian pyramids. In Britain, they talk about lay lines.
Here in Sápmi we haven’t built constructions/temples on those points. It is instead the mountain itself that becomes sacred. We call nature our temple.
When you move around alot in nature you will come across certain points where the energy is different.
**It stands out. **
It is usual to think that all things that stand out in their environment have something special about them. The only rock within miles of desert for example. Or a pointy mountain amongs the smooth. Why they are special varies. For example they can have special healing properties, a way to connect to gods, a good place for offerings for example.
**Our ancestors have walked these mountains.**
Their DNA, they presence is there. This mountain is therefore a piece of our history, our past. Their lives have been impacted by this mountain, and they have impacted it. They have been giving offers, prayed, sang, yoiked and wandered this mountain, and so shall we. So our future is also in that mountain. In many indigenous cultures something holy is connected to tradition and ancestors.
**A charged place **
When you walk on a holy mountain you might feel calm, grounded and uplifted. The mountain might have the ability to give the feeling of harmony. It could be that the mountain is made of specific stones, minerals and crystals that have those properties.
Of course, these attributes can be transferred to anything in nature, not only mountains. In Sami culture, it is very common to have holy lakes, stones and mountains.
The word “bassi” and “áiligas” (northern Sami), or “bissie” and “eejles” (southern Sami) and all mean “holy”. And there are a great deal of places in Sápmi that have the word “holy” in their name.
And that’s one of the reasons we want to protect nature.
Also read:
Beautiful and holy it is! Makes me think of the “mazars” in Kyrgyzstan. Very holy places too!